Saturday 6 January 2018

far lands or bust! #564 - where to go in phoenix


Current distance from Kurt: 105 episodes. Gaining!

Kurt breaks his shovel on exiting and spots a neater place to have made the hidey hole, but hey it was dark! He and Wolfie continue on their journey!

Kurt does a funny snow hat thing to a piece of floating fallen snow. He does another thing later with floating block of water!

He's asked about global warming and talks about the facts.

I like the new background noise of Eva freaking out when the doorbell rings :) more interesting and fun than the neighbours garage door opening.

Nice question there about Phoenix navigation and walks and stuff.

There's another freeze and Kurt gets worried and stuff...

He's asked for advice about winning UHC. He gets all humble about it. Aw :) but the advice he gives is sound.

Eva sounds like a cool dog alright.

He's asked about webcomics :) and what he subscribes to. Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal I don't read regularly but I've enjoyed that one. Toothpaste For Dinner seems random but also kinda fun.

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