Friday 24 November 2017

rise of the tomb raider 27 - disturbing scene before going back to puzzles


Kurt gets up close to investigate murals and comes across a very very disturbing and bloody scene.

There's burning, blood flowing and an unfortunate soul begging for death :( yeesh...

Very Indiana Jones like scene where he nabs the atlas relic thingy from its pedestal! No booby trap but there's a big army of dudes to deal with in this gritty Tomb Raider style.

After this he has to deal with dudes armed with flamethrowers :| yikes!

More dudes to deal with but he decides to do a puzzle first. A puzzle involving explosive barrels and a crane thingy.

That blue fire suddenly to indicate you're finished is kinda funny and videogamey :)

He has to continue the explodey puzzle later.

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