Thursday 2 November 2017

completing syzygy properly - big ol' red things and baby blue spiky things


Kurt returns to Syzygy! There's stuff he missed out on so he checks it out this time :)

He investigates the big ol' red thing near the start of the game. Some streets we haven't seen before too.

It's a livestream archive so there's the "Dental Plan!" quote from Lenny in The Simpsons when a subscriber event happens :)

Wow, there's a big spiky baby blue thing stuck in that big ol' red thing.

After lots more wandering through streets he finds a big ol' red bird-shaped thing.

He comes across a truck stuck in the big ol' red thing, making it look a bit like Inception.

That blue spiky thing on the outskirts looks pretty cool :) At this point the music stops and it's a bit more unsettling. Kurt makes some ambient sounds himself. The crow caw was a treat! :) he decides to just play the music using iTunes.

He comes to many more weird and wonderful things, like towers and a big ol' spaceship limo thingy! He walks into a light with a lens flare effect and the screen goes white. That seems to be it!

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