Sunday 5 November 2017

far lands or bust! #552 - coffee maker drm *shakes fist*


Current distance from Kurt: 109 episodes. Gaining!

Wolfie starts with a pant pant instead of a woof woof, but he eventually woofs and so he and Kurt continue their journey to the Far Lands!

A Creeper follows them but they lose it at a beach. It seems pretty happy to be there, leaping up and down for joy!

He talks about water leaking into space helmets while on a spacewalk. Yikes :(

Both he and Wolfie take a bit of fall damage. They survive and replenish health though :)

DRM for coffee makers that blocks the use of third party cups?! What the heck :O I shake my fist at that kind of thing! *shakes fist*

After a pink sheep dry spell, one shows up! Kurt celebrates by singing his pink sheep song, putting up a sign that says "PIIINK SHEEEP! 01/16/16 Ep. 552 KUERIG BAD!!!!", and shearing its wool.

He's asked other questions about quantum computing, exoplanets and space movies he likes.

He wonders who's splashing in the water outside the hidey-hole at the end. It's not Wolfie, it's a sheep and a chicken splashing around :) Interesting discussion too about colonising Mars and taking care of Earth as best as we can.

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