Sunday 19 November 2017

far lands or bust! #555 - sidey-hole with fence and weird meats


Current distance from Kurt: 108 episodes. No change!

Kurt waits for the first woof but not the second woof!

Wow so this is episode 555 and the donation amount is very close to this too! That's cool :)

Wolfie loses a suspicious amount of health. Kurt reckons he got stuck under the ice again. He tops up his health.

He finds a spawner and drains it. He gets a question about naming planets and moons. Another one about visiting other planets and moons too. He talks about Titan and Mars and Venus for a bit.

He's asked about meats he's tried other than the usual meats.

It rains just when he sets up an elevated hidey-hole! That's how he gets the soggy duvet :)

Back to the meat thing. I'd be interested in trying buffalo.

He talks about his interest in music playing :) and his desire to gain skill in manual transmission.

He makes an iron sword as well as the usual boats. Lots of boating in this episode.

Bit of a scare there when there was a momentary freeze :O he restarts the world and everything seems to be smooth again.

At the end of the episode he makes a sidey-hole with TNT! It goes safely but takes out so much that he has to rebuild the wall! He makes a window out of fencing too.

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