Wednesday 8 November 2017

minecraft bingo v2.5 - blind seed challenges 7901, 7902 - fishing re-tree-t


Kurt goes into a world which has a really cool tall mountain peak near spawn.

He finds a zombie spawner by chance. Nice quick raid by breaking the chest.

He uses blocks to creep along a ledge. He falls anyway though but he continues to live :)

While fishing at night he makes a single block tower to get out of reach of mobs, but a spider comes along and climbs it! Oh well! He retreats to a tree (or re-tree-t :P ) and fishes from up there instead. He gets a time of 19 minutes.

Then it's on to 7902. It's funny the way he tells the bunnies to grow up. He fares better and quicker in this seed :)

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