Wednesday 1 November 2017

far lands or bust! #551 - wolfie, murderer of boats


Current distance from Kurt: 110 episodes. No change!

Kurt leaves his worn chestplate in the furnace before heading to the Far Lands with Wolfie :)

He witnesses sheep murder on an island by a wild wolf and then Wolfie murders the boat he was using. No health damage though thankfully :)

He finds himself in a little valley that doesn't seem to have a way out. He gets out though.

I agree with him about Force Awakens. It was okay. I also agree on 3D movies. Not great, especially with the glasses! The Revenant was a pretty good film too :) but yes it was pretty bleak. I do feel the same away about bleak depressing stuff, and I did especially around that time. Interstellar was a very difficult watch for me in that sense.

He talks about recent Call Of Duty games and how he hasn't played them in a long time. He likes the original ones though.

Kurt says he'd make a walking simulator if he were to do game design. Might be something cool :)

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