Sunday 2 July 2017

mindcrack marathon 2015 uhc 1 - live lan excitement :)


Kurt teams up with Pakratt, MCGamer, and SethBling for this UHC event.

They hang out in some trees waiting for the go ahead and then they scramble for wood and resources.

This is coming in from some live event too

Oh it's some kind of donation drive and items come in :) the crowd adds to the excitement.

Sometimes the crowd gets excited over someone else's perspective and they wonder what's going on :P

Kurt hears Creeper hissing and sees it on another teammate's screen. LAN gaming allows for another level of strategy :)

They found "Zisteau's Domain"? I don't get this reference... He has an obsession with lava?

After 50 minutes there's excitement in the crowd and kill notices in the chat! UHC live is pretty cool :) meanwhile Kurt's team is just exploring lava filled areas and burning woods.

5 minutes later they come across Zisteau on horseback! It really was his domain! A big battle follows with them firing arrows from the treetops! They win as day breaks, like in a movie :)

10 minutes later again they get into a deadly scrape and conquer them, but it's just him and MCGamer that's left on their team! They spend a bit of time plundering spoils and using chests to sort stuff out before leaving.

Another clash at 1hr 20m mark! It's pretty epic too! It's an almighty massive skirmish with people dying everywhere and Kurt emerges victorious! His first ever UHC win by himself! :D The people cheering and all excited live in the background... it was awesome :)

He ends it nicely by feeding a horse a golden apple and riding it into the sunset. Yeah! :)

The Iron Kurtain! Indeed!

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