Sunday 16 July 2017

far lands or bust! #531 - ear pimple :(


Current distance from Kurt: 116 episodes. No change!

Kurt confuses Wolfie for Eva momentarily! Whoops! :)

While sailing he observes a happy little tree on its own happy little island. :)

A pimple on his ear? Yowch :( that's gotta be annoying, especially since he usually wears headphones.

Kurt gets attacked by a stray arrow from a skeleton from a cave! He gets his own back in a very brave way too. Wolfie comes out well too :)

Another skeleton he deals with after an elevated hidey-hole sleep.

I remember the Season 3 UHC very well :) that slow motion part with PauseUnpause is legendary!

The idea of someone watching Far Lands Or Bust! now who wasn't born yet when it started is pretty cool :)

He talks about his dinner of making gluten free spaghetti and meatballs. Sounds yummy :)

He accidentally hits Wolfie with a shovel while poking around a possible Spider spawner. Whoops!

After apologising and peace offering, he investigates a massive natural overhang with what looks like pillars holding it up. Neat :)

He talks about how he played video games with his sisters growing up and how it's a bit like the Let's Play phenomenon of modern times :) he also talks about the time he and his younger sister played Tomb Raider and they both jumped in fright at the first wolf popping out before laughing their heads off :) that's sweet!

Just one cough in the episode and it's at the end. His cold is getting better :)

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