Saturday 15 July 2017

eidolon 35 - three deer and a bear


Kurt meets a deer that walks on water! Wow!

The deer looks pretty weird and unsettling, especially since it doesn't move its legs. It's just hovering on the water surface.

He's seeing new structures, plants and hearing slightly different music too, so he's progressing? I think?

He tries to hunt another deer that's less... biblical in nature you could say, but it gets away. Ah well.

He finds another diary entry thing, talking about a character hanging out with a "jungle girl" or something.

Some real world stuff happens :) Eva gets a bit huffy at the doorbell ringing!

Kurt hopes for a new map... and he gets a new map! It reveals a new side of things! It shows a very flooded post-apocalyptic Seattle.

He sees a bear in the distance! Yikes! It's dark too so he was worried about going to sleep...

But it's ok! No sign of the bear in the morning. :)

He even gets a deer hunted for food. Woo!

At the end of the episode he gets some food cooking :) hope that rain doesn't spoil his dinner...

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