Friday 21 July 2017

far lands or bust! #532 - wolfie's exploding spawner birthday cake


Current distance from Kurt: 116 episodes. No change!

Kurt celebrates Wolfie's 500th episode!

He reflects a little bit on the episode where he tamed Wolfie.

Then he talks about YouTube's content ID thing and fair use for a while.

He comes across a very strange cave that seems to intersect with another cave and has weird sudden lighting glitches. He investigates with an escape plan. It looks very cool with all the weird footing and holes everywhere! He comes out safe too :) Wolfie was waiting with worry.

He tests the breaking of a workbench, comparing punching to swording with respect to speed. Swording is very slightly faster.

He gets a question to talk about pants from a pants lover :P he talks about not wearing shorts normally.

He says hi to a friendly spider.

Kurt: Are you friendly?
Spider: HISS
Kurt: You're friendly.

The friendly ones hiss too :)

He suspects a spawner. He blocks the waterfall going into it and notices cobble! It's a spider spawner and he finds some iron and gunpowder for Wolfie's birthday fireworks :) He decides to blow up the spawner to celebrate. Happy birthday Wolfie :)

Another question asks if he goes "boop!" in real life :)

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