Sunday 4 June 2017

grave apologies - a connor sherlock "walking simulator" - bouncy beaver tails in a headphone wonderland


Kurt tries out this walking simulator through a wide green area with some interesting scattered buildings like churches and high-rises. Another treat with headphones :)

The headstones put out these dramatic piano notes when he goes near them, which makes it a bit like Proteus :)

One stone looks a bit like a tuning fork. Appropriate shape with the nice hum coming off it :)

Hey a random beaver/badger animal thing!

He even sees a cat in a headstone. It has pointy edges I guess.

He looks for more beavers/badgers/platypuses while more notes play from passing gravestones.

Obelisk-shaped gravestones as well. These are a little more intimidating.

Kurt imagines the people living next to the graveyard giving out about the gravestones making a racket all night :) I love this.

Wow there's an insane condor-shaped gravestone that makes a sweet riffy noise. Sounds like 70s/80s sci-fi music.

He sees a big swan shape from the bridge. Looks like a mute swan.

The cube structures look pretty cool and make a gloriously loud sound.

"Are you guys talkin' to each other?" he asks while chatting with the group of little gravestones :)

He stretches his calf muscles on a park bench :P really getting into it!

Beaver glitch! he discovers he can stand on the beaver and it even makes him shoot way up into the air! He uses this to jump onto the surface of the water and it's like the Second Coming! That is until he has trouble escaping the surface of the water, but he breaks free :)

He soon considers using a badger/beaver to help him get on a swan or over another barrier.

I love these "Walking Simulator" videos Kurt does :)

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