Tuesday 13 June 2017

far lands or bust! #525 - piggy overseer of the vortex

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N92LcXJeS_c

Current distance from Kurt: 117 episodes. Lagging! I got a bit mixed up in the sequence of videos. It's hard to keep track of them in an archive when it goes on for this long... Ah well.

Wolfie starts promptly with the "Woof Of Episode Beginnitude" so Kurt hellos just as promptly!

Kurt gets into the spooky Halloween spirit while dealing with a flaming skeleton.

He talks about getting ready for giving out treats for trick or treaters, while getting spooked about Wolfie during a trek across a big ice sheet.

Gluten free sweets eh? Interesting :) Gotta think of leftovers after all! Also, from 2pm to 5pm? I guess that's a safer time. Oh well.

Being Halloween, he answers a donor question about the inevitability of death and how he deals with that thought. At least he has that Guinness record :)

He carries out a geological investigation on an underwater collapse and nicely susses out a spawner!

He mistakes Wolfie for Eva at one point. That was funny :)

He answers that serious question from earlier while setting up some TNT to blow up the spawner. Nice way to lighten the mood :) and that resulting vortex was awesome! He gives a nearby pig the job of being the overseer of the vortex and cries out "Nooooooo!" as the pig wanders into it! That was pretty funny!

He finds some pumpkins too! Doing Halloween in style! He wears one and switches to third person view.

Wow I would not like to meet the Ghost Of Damaged Ligaments! :(

He answers about his favourite sandwich filling. As for me I like corned beef a lot :) though if we're counting beef burgers then it's those. Nothing too spooky :)

He explores a really tall and sheer mountain near the end.

He places some Jack O'Lanterns around the hidey-hole at the end, keeping up a tradition :)

He also shares a story about Eva getting stressed out when the doorbell rings. Yeah that's a common thing with dogs...

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