Friday 16 June 2017

far lands or bust! #526 - wowing at awesome arches and floaty platforms


Current distance from Kurt: 117 episodes. No change!

Kurt and Wolfie leave the symmetrical Jack O'Lantern hidey-hole before continuing to the Far Lands!

Arizona doesn't observe daylight savings eh? That does sound very awkward.

Nice to hear the Halloween episode performed well for him :)

I love that doorbell NASA joke! "He's never coming back!" the livestream chat said :P

That big hole with the creeper at the bottom looked very dicey indeed...

He talks about some Mindcrack meetup that's gonna happen soon.

He comes across some awesome landforms with arches and gets all geological :)

While talking about a massive shell he found at the beach as a kid, he says lots of "WOW!"s as he finds some amazing landform cliffs and floaty land bits. The floating platforms look a bit like the Mario 3 airships :)

He goes under some very cool and dark arches and lets out a few more "wow"s :) though he has to deal with a zombie and some other mobs lurk in the distance.

He makes his hidey-hole not too far from these places.

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