Tuesday 20 June 2017

far lands or bust! #527 - learning about chicago pizza

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GupyMSl9qZY

Current distance from Kurt: 116 episodes. Gaining!

Kurt leaves the epic land arch formations and continues with Wolfie to the Far Lands!

Kurt answers a question about where he considers "home". He thinks about it for a while. I suppose it can be hard to pinpoint if you've moved out and around. I do know how he feels when he finds older haunts to be smaller than he remembers :)

He shoots at a skeleton from his elevated hidey-hole. He missed on all shots as he discovered when he picked his arrows back up. Aw :)

I looked up Lou Malnati's Pizza and I've never had the Chicago type of pizza before... It does look good apart from all the tomato sauce, which looks stomach crampingly excessive.

He talks about being interested in visiting and/or hiking in Antarctica, Iceland, New Zealand and Alaska. I read a book set in Alaska once called Julie Of The Wolves. It was pretty good :)

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