Tuesday 28 February 2017

far lands or bust! #504 - furry question

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ThZeelaFQk

Current distance from Kurt: 136 episodes. Gaining!

Kurt emerges to spiders roaming free and skeletons burning in the sunlight.

He talks about Alice In Wonderland syndrome and other weird stuff that's been affecting his sleep recently like sleep paralysis. The way he describes it is pretty interesting.

When Kurt goes to sleep on the first night he holds shift and pretends to experience some weird sleep thing in the game!

It's sad alright that Kurt fell out with SpinTires, though it did give him a difficult time!

Kurt talks about his first job he had in a pet store. He's right about interviews for one thing! Also, he was older than I was when I got my first job.

He answers a question about the furry fandom! I'm generally alright with it too though I'm not big into it myself. I wouldn't be freaked out or anything though. Not sure what I'd choose as a fursona if I got into it.

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