Thursday 23 February 2017

far lands or bust! #503 - guinness bump


Current distance from Kurt: 137 episodes. Gaining, but this isn't taking into account the big videos he published since for the construction of the 3,116,936 monument. Ah well. No worries :)

Kurt observes some nicely, almost naturally formed hidey holes while talking about the bump in traffic to the Far Lands Or Bust website due to the whole Guinness World Record thing.

Not too bad a problem to have, although he did have to take down the overview map.

Nice to hear more advantages to having an organically coded website :) with the stuff about security.

I know that 3D effect he's talking about. I think it's called the wiggle effect.

It would be pretty cool to see Elon Musk paying Kurt a visit :)

Kurt answers a question about starting a YouTube channel and he gives the general advice of having fun :) I'd like to reinforce this learning to myself with these blogs I'm keeping!

He also mentions something about having peers, I guess other YouTubers or creatives, or otherwise like-minded people.

He answers another question about where to go to eat out for a vegetarian that doesn't eat gluten. Certainly a challenge!

He stresses over a question about relationships. He did his best at least and he got it right about the fact that the donor's crush was already taken. Good on him :)

Coming soon, a question about furries! All kinds of people coming in from the recent Guinness World Records fame!

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