Tuesday 7 February 2017

far lands or bust! #500 - diamond boots of episode fivehundredness!

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYuJP9Kb1OM

Current distance from Kurt: 140 episodes. Gaining! I started blogging at episode 400 and now I'm here! Yay! Nice glowy thing with an exclamation mark on the thumbnail too :)

Kurt puts up a sign that says "FLoB Episode 500! 08/29/2015 DIAMOND BOOTS!" near the spawn point and gets to crafting some diamond boots like he talked about previously!

The first elevated hidey-hole is on a slope. Whoops! At least he had a good undisturbed night's sleep though!

He wears in his new boots with a bit of a fall. They're now weathered adventuring boots!

With the frequency of encountering snowy biomes, he wonders if he's entering a new ice age after so many episodes.

He answers another question about his journey. He dwells on some interesting points like how many decades he has left in his journey compared to the one decade that YouTube has been around and what if YouTube goes away while his journey is still going. Food for thought!

Making a bumper episode, Kurt decides to build a little house to commemorate the occasion, rushing to complete it before it gets dark.

He makes it as big as a regular hidey-hole, covers up the draughty gaps between windows and has a good night's sleep...

...or so we'd expect! Stay until after the credits... I mean end slate to see what happens!

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