Saturday 4 February 2017

far lands or bust! #499 - scatman kurt


Current distance from Kurt: 141 episodes. Gaining!

Kurt finds a really tall cactus!

Pretty interesting to see it actually. His imagination goes wild when he wonders what kind of nuclear testing happened here :) it's six blocks tall. He takes a moment to screenshot and admire it, like it's a tall green prickly monolith :)

He also breaks an oasis and watches the water flow into a cave. It can be fun to do this kind of thing :)

Kurt spots a nice habitable looking area and briefly comments on the real estate potential of it :)

Kurt answers a question about how he likes his steak and he says he usually likes medium. As for me I like it well done. He says something about what the chef recommends and that sounds like a good guideline. I still like a steak to be both well done and tender. I hate seeing photographs of pink meat... :(

Kurt explores an awesome and massive overhang. The area is dark though and lots of nasties spawn while he's exploring! He makes it out nicely enough. Some cool moments like a Creeper trying to pass through a waterfall and Kurt himself singing like Scatman John while trying to survive against skeletons :) He does a panoramic screenshot before progressing.

Kurt answers a question about games and YouTube. I do like the FLoB series and the walking simulators he does too. :)

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