Wednesday 27 December 2017

rocket league 36 - doughnut shaped pitch


Kurt, Eneija and Fabe get stuck in the air a lot.

Kurt nudged the ball in there, just to be safe! He wasn't poaching or anything! ;) but seriously yeah I would've done it just to be safe too.

Interesting the way this pitch is shaped like a wheel or a doughnut :)

They win that match 4-1.

Eneija poaches an own goal ! Woo... :P

One of the goals Kurt scores is a beautiful one and with the weirdness of this arena he doesn't get to see it happening!

Nice win of 3-2 at the end. They fought well to hold their lead.

That was fun the way Eneija said "Say bye, Kurt" at the end and he says "Bye Kurt" :)

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