Monday 11 December 2017

far lands or bust! #559 - note to self: try bacon wrapped dates sometime


Current distance from Kurt: 106 episodes. Gaining!

Kurt dodges a Creeper who didn't take kindly to his attempt at an Irish accent and goes around the mountain to continue his journey with Wolfie.

A few more Creepers they meet along the way too. That accent attempt must've really ticked them off... I don't think it's great either but I won't explode over it or anything.

Ah... Carmen Sandiego on old computers. Memories :) I tried it several times since and many aspects of political, social and economic geography have changed since those days...

He observes a mountain with different levels of fog settings. It's nice. Also, his video hasn't been freezing since he turned the fog back on.

He's asked about heroes and such. He hasn't really had anyone to show him the ropes of what he does but I think he does look up to some people like his peers.

Some nice comparisons between Martian exploration and oceanic exploration! Particularly the dangers of getting bitten by weird creatures and how much more likely it is in the ocean!

Another question about bands. He liked Nirvana a lot and it got him into a lot of other stuff.

Near the end of the episode he suspects a spawner under the sand and it turns out to just be a sizable collapsing sand dune!

He says he likes bacon wrapped dates. Wow... that's a new one on me... he doesn't eat other sweets though.

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