Thursday 21 December 2017

far lands or bust! #560 - two big waterfalls and recap


Current distance from Kurt: 107 episodes. Lagging...

Kurt starts sailing and spots a floating block of sand in the sky that looks like an L block in Tetris, or something else. He tells kids to look away!

Kurt also decides to do a recap of the whole series so far :) Many nice memories there.

That was weird when Wolfie warped under the boat and Kurt jumps out and in the boat again. Worked out well though!

He has an appreciation for the fog now when he sees the outline of a big epic mountain emerging from the distance.

Wolfie pushes him when he stands at the edge of a hole and he falls in! It's not too deep thankfully!

In the morning he explores it and feeds Wolfie and himself. It's a small hole but then he discovers big steep cliffs with waterfalls. He takes some screenshots. It does look pretty cool!

Yeah Kieran is a boy's name.

I'm continuing to do this blog as my own hobby. :)

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