Tuesday 17 October 2017

far lands or bust! #547 - old jeans

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TccU59tZKBg

Current distance from Kurt: 112 episodes. No change!

Kurt wakes just in time to see a skeleton burn up into bones and arrows. Then he and Wolfie continue on their journey to the Far Lands!

The pigs of the new year start out dry but they eventually drop Wolfie treats :)

He sails by a nice floating island with a tree on it :)

He runs out of coal and answers a question about underpants with holes, or more specifically about old clothes he kept around for ages.

After the first night skeletons are around in the morning! He escapes handily.

He's asked a question about role models, heroes and ethics that western society could adopt or lose and he answers that we could lose celebrity worship and look after the planet. Not bad :)

He answers a question on the ways people are scary. Hoo boy. It's only 5 days into 2016 and that calm before the storm is already gone :P

That's a cool face-like pattern in the mountain he spotted :) Big cave mouth being all shocked at the pool of lava in front of it. He builds the final hidey-hole of the episode nearby. He ends by saying he feels less scared of people when he sees donations to the charity :) that's nice!

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