Tuesday 10 October 2017

far lands or bust! #545 - a long one to end out 2015

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rh1hgRDKnTI

Current distance from Kurt: 113 episodes. Lagging!

Kurt's greeted by a Wolfie bark and a hopping spider hiss. It doesn't give him any hassle though :)

He briefly displays the file size of the world. Lots of nines there!

He's saving gunpowder in this episode for fireworks at the end for New Year celebrations. He uses a tree to help him in harvesting some from a creeper.

Nice goose pattern in the sand :)

The land forms are appearing like a big rock just dropped out of the sky or something. He spots a cool natural land bridge and checks it out. There's a skeleton lurking underneath though.

Lots of deep crevices in this area too. Kinda dodgy if you're not careful.

He's been hearing from many people that 2015 was really tough for them. I do remember some tough times during that year alright. I tried new stuff though like starting blogs, including this one. :)

Yeah we call it the bin instead of the trash over here as well :)

This is a long episode so he experiences rainfall near the end! Very rare for Far Lands Or Bust! :) he goes into a snowy region and sets off the TNT to ring in the new year. Woo!

That was funny at the end with his noisy zombie neighbours having their New Year party :)

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