Monday 12 December 2016



Kurt tries out this walking simulator by Connor Sherlock. I love these :) they've got potential!

Headphones are recommended but I'm not wearing them for this video... maybe I ought to?

I'm glad he got out of that building. I much prefer the snowy landscape, even with it's hellish red skies. That building was just icky with its relative lighting and everything. Unsettling and doesn't feel much like a sanctuary...

Man yes... I remember Kurt's playthrough of Kairo...

That music is interrupted just in time! Was getting worried Kurt was gonna go nuts!

The sky turns a different colour after he interacts with stuff and that big door has an indicator changed. So yeah, that's cool!

Ah, another sky colour change and music muting too. The purple sky is kinda nice :)

omg! Kurt ends the video as abruptly as the game ends! No "I will see you next time" or anything!

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